Inquiry Term 4 - Bean Growing

WALT how to grow a plant from a seed.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I will know about having my plant in the light and watering it each day so that it grows well. 

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STUDENT VOICE " I am really good at looking after plants. I  know that they need water and sunlight". 

Inquiry Term 4 - potato growing.

WALT grow plants and know what they need.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know that plants need light and water. 

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STUDENT VOICE "I am in charge of the plants and I help them to grow". 

Term WALT2 Magnetism

WALT know about magnets and how they work.

SUCCESS CRITERIA. I can tell you how magnets help us and about their different poles. 

STUDENT VOICE " Magnets help things stick to whiteboards. They have a north and south pole".

Maths Term 2

WALT count 1- 100 and give the number after each number.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know that 37 comes after 36, 55 comes after 54

STUDENT VOICE " I can tell you the number that comes after any number".


Inquiry Term 4 - Potato Growing part one

WALT explain how a plant grows. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can tell you about how my potato is growing and what it needs. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA " I am in charge of the potatoes. I know about watering them and putting them out in the sun".

Term 2 Skipping

WALT turn the rope and jump.
SUCESS CRITERIA I can jump while I am turning the rope. 

STUDENT VOICE " I am good at skipping because I can turn the rope and jump". 

Music Term3

WALT to play the recorder.SUCCESS CRITERIA "I can play a tune using notes B A G C D". STUDENT VOICE " I know the notes B A G C D and I can play a little song".